
Ngā Hautaka | Publications

Check out resources that we have produced or contributed to.

Rangitaki | Blog

Reflections and contributions from guest bloggers from the wider A Rocha whānau in Aotearoa - covering a wide range of topics that are of interest to our A Rocha whānau.

Eco Church: Ngā Rauemi ā-kaupapa | Resources by topic

Resources collated on our Eco Church website to support the five areas of action in the Eco Church self-assessment worksheet.

Ngā Here - The Many Connections

A podcast that explores Ngā Here - The Many Connections that exist between creation, the Bible and living in Aotearoa. A project funded by The Wilberforce Foundation in partnership with Scripture Union NZ (Seasons 1 and 2) and A Rocha Aotearoa NZ (Season 3).

A Rocha Resource Hub

The A Rocha Resource Hub gathers curated materials from the A Rocha global family in a range of languages and formats about the interplay between creation care and the Christian faith.

A Rocha Field Notes Podcast

The Field notes podcast is an exploration of the ideas, practice and experience making a difference on the ground, through conversations with people who really know what they are talking about – from conservation scientists, explorers and biologists, to artists, entrepreneurs and theologians. They have hopeful stories to tell.

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