Helen Bathurst is a long-time member of A Rocha’s Wellington Local Group and captures the history and events of the local group through stories.
Richard Rhoades
Richard Rhoades heads up the Waiu Wetland restoration project for A Rocha’s Wellington local group. He attends Hutt City Baptist Church and recruits lots of volunteers from the church to help out at this restoration site.
Rev’d Richard Noble
Richard Noble has been an active supporter of A Rocha Aotearoa NZ since 2007. During that time he has regularly joined in the restoration project at Ōwhiro Stream in Wellington, the regional A Rocha project at Swampy Gully in Battle Hill Farm Forest Park, and the annual eco-retreat at Our Lady of the Southern Star Monastery at Kopua in Hawke’s Bay. Richard has also had the privilege of visiting the A Rocha field centres in Kenya (three times), Portugal, and France, an experience he would highly recommend to others.
Valerie Lubrick
Val has a dynamic personality and great big hugs. Her passion for outdoor education began at 8 when a chickadee ate seeds from her hands on a school trip in her native Canada. Val has been providing similar experiences for others for over 20 years. When she isn’t in Raglan, she is probably in the Antarctic guiding, kayaking, SUP, and hiking.
Summer Vaughan
Summer embodies the essence of resilience and determination, nurtured by her upbringing on the farm. Passionate about conservation and predator control, a nature lover and tree hugger at heart, Summer is resourceful and always up for new challenges. Summer’s unwavering spirit shines bright and has led her to become a part-time ranger and educator.
Caleb Cutmore
Meet Caleb, a man of diverse talents whose adventurous spirit knows no bounds. He is equally at home in the rugged bush as he is on the competitive surfing scene. He has a sports science degree, is an avid bow hunter, predator trapper and surf instructor, and is passionate about instructing and mentoring local rangatahi.