John is on the committee of the A Rocha local group in Auckland. A retired secondary school teacher, John Staniland has been closely involved with Forest & Bird for more than 50 years and was the first chairman of its Waitākere Branch. He is an inaugural trustee of Matuku Link. He is a founder and honorary ranger of the Society’s 120-hectare Matuku Reserve, which is adjacent to Matuku Link. He organised the purchase of several blocks of forest to bring the Forest & Bird reserve to its present size and has been looking after it ever since the first block was bought in 1979.
Millie Vette
Kia ora! I was born and raised in Tamaki Makaurau and currently live on the North Shore with my family. I have a Bachelors of Industrial Design from Auckland University of Technology and have recently completed the Venn Residential Fellowship. I love exploring God’s creation and am excited to journey alongside church communities as they care for our beautiful creation. With a background in design I love exploring creative solutions to problems and exploring new ways to inspire individuals and communities to care for our creation! Having grown up in Auckland I spent my summers camping with my family across the upper north island. I believe that it was during these times spent encapsulated by creation that my love and care for it was nurtured. I can also often be found walking though our local bush, sewing and knitting along with gardening and restoring furniture.
Keith Young
Keith Young leads the A Rocha local group in the Manawatu where they have a native plant nursery at Longburn. The local group has been raising eco-sourced native plants for local planting projects here in the Manawatū since 2007, producing over 30,000 seedlings to be planted back in the environment. The plant propagation nursery at Longburn is fitted out with shade houses and an automatic watering system thanks to generous donations. As well as growing from seed, they receive seedlings of native plants from people’s gardens and sections in Palmerston North to pot on. There are usually over 4000 plants in the nursery at any one time.
Dr Terry Parminter
Farming, environment and faith are not always linked together, but Terry is very committed to finding God’s place across all of them.
Terry has spent a number of years assisting rural landowners to make small and large steps towards tending our Lord’s creation and restoring habitats and ecological function in rural landscapes. He has his own agricultural consulting company working with farmers, industry groups, and government departments.
Terry and Irene live on a 5ha bush block near Paraparaumu and are thankful every day for being able to live amongst God’s gifts of bush garden and sea.
Sarah Woodfield
Sarah is on the organising committee for the Auckland local group of A Rocha Aotearoa and also an Eco Church kaihāpai for her church, Cityside Baptist Church in Auckland. She has worked in the finance industry for over 20 years, and has always had a keen interest in ethical investing. She has a degree in Biology, and has also worked as a Financial Mentor/Budget Adviser.
She is the treasurer for her church, and a local nonprofit organisation, and active in environmental care. She is an aunty and cyclist, and is always happy to talk about the difference we can make with our financial and lifestyle decisions.
Nicholas Mayne
When asked what his role is Nicholas likes to call himself a “community troublemaker.” It is a title that fits him aptly as he steps into many roles that others in the church avoid, as where he challenges others to follow in mission. He has spent over a decade working for a trade union and has served two terms as an elected member of the Upper Harbour Local Board of Auckland Council. He founded the Upper Waitematā Ecology Network, runs an ecological restoration project in Unsworth Reserve for the Auckland local group of A Rocha Aotearoa, and grows a couple thousand native seedlings in his backyard.