Rōpū Ā-Rohe
Local Groups

Local expressions of A Rocha’s mission and vision

A Rocha local groups are places to cultivate and journey with others in ecological discipleship through practical action and shared learning

A Rocha’s Local Groups are communities of A Rocha supporters who live in a particular city, town or region, who meet together regularly to give local expression to the mission and vision of ARANZ. Local Groups tend to have practical conservation project(s) as a major focus but they also explore ways to give expression to all five of A Rocha’s Commitments: 

– and to one or more of ARANZ’s focus areas: 

Our Local Groups’ involvement in practical conservation and sustainability projects offer opportunities for volunteer participation across the country. The types of practical community conservation initiatives include wetland, native bush and stream restoration, native tree nurseries, and trapping projects. Our Local Groups often work in partnership with other organisations and the local community to make a difference for their local environment and community.

Our Local Groups also organise education and engagement events and citizen science opportunities. All Local Group events including the working bees are listed on the A Rocha facebook page under Events.
We currently have four local groups across Aotearoa:


Our Auckland local group officially formed in 2009 with the goal to build a community of A Rocha supporters to encourage and enable each other to care for creation and live sustainably. The Auckland local group holds regular working bees at Unsworth Reserve on the North Shore, at Oakley Creek in Avondale, and at Matuku Link in Bethell’s Valley. We welcome volunteers to help with these working bees.


Our local group in Palmerston North focuses its efforts around a thriving native plants nursery that distributes plants to local planting projects in the region. The group meets fortnightly at their nursery for planting and general maintenance, and sometimes go out locally to source native seedlings. Please contact Christine on 06 353 6820 or Keith on 06 357 5743 for more info.


The Wellington local group started in 2012. It is structured as three subgroups – the Kāpiti subgroup, the Waiu Wetland subgroup in Wainuiomata, and the Wellington City subgroup supporting the work of Friends of Owhiro Stream. The subgroups also get together to organise joint educational events and working bees at key sites such as Battle Hill Farm Forest Park and Kopua Monastery.


The Dunedin local group was formed in 2012. After a couple of years hiatus, the A Rocha local group in Dunedin relaunched in 2016. The group organises restoration working bees at Tirohanga Camp, located about 20 minutes out of Dunedin. The Dunedin local group also participates in the Save the Otago Peninsula working bees, alternating with Tirohanga working bees. And Dunedin local group members are also rostered to volunteer at the Dunedin City Sanctuary Hilary St Reserve trapline in Pine Hill. 

Check out A Rocha Local Group events here:

Read stories from A Rocha Local Groups below:

Waiu Wetland 2024 recap

In 2024, nine regular monthly A Rocha working bees went ahead at Waiu Park. Those scheduled for April, July and November were cancelled because of bad weather, but in June we held two planting days, a week apart. The commitment of our core group of volunteers has been very impressive

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Restoration work at Matuku Link

Last Saturday, A Rocha’s Auckland local group headed out to Matuku Link for some restoration work. Two key areas that the local group worked on are: In the nursery, the volunteers potted up about 150 delicate small plants. Some were small cutty sedges Cyperus ustulatus which grow in shallow wetlands.

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Matariki at Kopua

A small contingent of hardy A Rocha members from Greater Wellington comprising Richard Noble, Dennis Fountain, Jean and Richard Rhoades joined the Associates of Southern Star Monastery and local Catholic folk at Kopua for two days of extensive planting of the monastery grounds over Matariki weekend. Richard Rhoades reports: We

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Planting with Save the Otago Peninsula (STOP)

A dozen people from A Rocha Dunedin joined STOP (Save The Otago Peninsula) in one of our regular plantings on Sunday afternoon July 21st. Our number included six newcomers, and an infant. We’re starting them young here, and are always encouraged when newcomers also want to join in!    

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