Thank you for your interest in A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand!
Find out all the ways you can connect with A Rocha below.
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Get to know us by reading reflections and contributions from the wider A Rocha whānau in Aotearoa - covering a wide range of topics that are of interest to our A Rocha whānau.
If you love what we’re doing and want to hear more about it, subscribe to our e-news to read inspiring stories, get updates from our projects, and find out about opportunities to connect and get involved!
Join our events – both in-person and online. Connect with likeminded people at our events and make some new connections!
At the heart of A Rocha’s work across Aotearoa New Zealand is the amazing and generous volunteers who give their time and energy towards the mission of A Rocha. Find out where you can volunteer in A Rocha.
Your financial support will help us support communities involved in practical conservation and biodiversity restoration, grow the next generation of kaitiaki and environmental leaders, and support church communities to integrate care of creation into their church life.
We invite all churches and denominational partners to connect with the Eco Church project to integrate the care of God’s earth into all aspects of church life. There are so many ways to get involved in Eco Church – find out more at the Eco Church website.
Did you know that many Kiwis have visited A Rocha centres in other countries as part of their overseas experience or holiday abroad? At an A Rocha centre, you’ll get to enjoy the food, the natural setting and the community ambience, and learn more about A Rocha at first hand. There are A Rocha centres in Canada (British Columbia and Manitoba), the Czech Republic, France, India, Kenya and Portugal.