On February 15, 2025, Peter Harris, co-founder of A Rocha, shared a powerful message at South West Baptist Church in Christchurch. His talk, Why Does Nature Matter?, explored the deep theological and practical reasons why Christians should care for creation. Harris challenged us to rethink how we see the world around us and our role in its care.
Why Do We Care for Nature?
Harris began by unpacking two common perspectives on why nature is important. The first is a utilitarian view, which values nature primarily for what it provides—food, water, medicine, and other resources essential for human survival. While this perspective acknowledges our dependence on creation, it is ultimately human-centred, seeing the natural world as a resource to be used rather than something with inherent value.
The second perspective sees nature as having intrinsic value, worthy of protection regardless of human needs. While this view aligns closely with many conservation efforts, Harris pointed out that without a deeper framework, it struggles to explain why nature has value beyond personal or cultural preference. What makes something inherently valuable? Without a strong foundation, this perspective risks becoming subjective and uncertain.
A Biblical Foundation for Creation Care
Harris argued that, while both views contain elements of truth, neither provides a fully satisfying answer. For Christians, the foundation for environmental action must come from the biblical story. From Genesis to Revelation, Scripture tells us that nature matters because it belongs to God.
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). From the first chapter of the Bible, we see that the world is God’s, not ours. We are not owners, but caretakers. Psalm 24:1 affirms this: “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.”
This understanding should transform how we engage with creation. The call in Genesis 1:26-28 to have “dominion” over creation is not a license for exploitation but an invitation to wise stewardship – to rule as God would rule, with care, justice, and love. Jesus himself redefined leadership as service, and so our relationship with the natural world should reflect his example of self-giving love.
Yet, much of modern Christianity has lost sight of this. Instead of seeing salvation as the renewal of all things (Colossians 1:19-20), many have reduced faith to a personal, spiritual experience – something concerned only with human souls, rather than the restoration of the whole cosmos. But the resurrection of Jesus was not an escape from the world; it was a declaration that new creation had begun. If we take the resurrection seriously, then our calling is to live as active participants in the renewal of all things, including the earth itself.
A Church That Affirms but Does Not Act
Despite this clear biblical mandate, Harris noted that the Church’s response has often been lacking. While many churches affirm the importance of creation care in theory, their actions tell a different story. Too often, environmental issues are seen as secular concerns, disconnected from the core work of the Church.
Harris challenged this mindset, arguing that creation care is mission. The work of A Rocha around the world is demonstrating that faith communities have a vital role to play in addressing environmental crises. When the Church actively engages in caring for creation, we are not just making an environmental statement – we are embodying the gospel.
“We write the gospel on the landscape,” Harris said, reflecting on A Rocha’s conservation efforts worldwide. When people see the Church restoring ecosystems, planting trees, and protecting biodiversity, they encounter a faith that is not just spoken, but lived.
A Call to Act
Harris’s message was clear: caring for creation is not just an optional extra for Christians – it is a core part of following Jesus. The good news is that this is not a burden, but an invitation.
“God loves this world far more than we ever will,” Harris reminded us. Our task is not to single-handedly save the planet, but to join in with God’s redemptive work. This can look like practical action – protecting local ecosystems, reducing waste, engaging in sustainable practices. It can also look like shifting our mindset – seeing creation not as a backdrop to human life, but as a gift we are called to cherish.
A Rocha has seen time and again that when churches embrace this calling, it transforms not just their local environment but their communities and their own faith. Creation care opens doors for mission, discipleship, and deeper relationships with God, people, and the land.
For more about Peter Harris and A Rocha’s work, visit Peter Harris – A Rocha.