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Held up from going green: Five classic hesitations which stop churches from moving forward with their eco church journey

By Mo Morgan
28 January 2025

Here’s something I’ve noticed since I’ve been working with A Rocha helping churches in Aotearoa care for God’s creation — everyone cares. Everywhere I go, people understand the importance of being active in caring for God’s creation. But here’s something else I’ve noticed — Many churches are stuck. There are some classic hesitations which stop churches from getting active with the Creation Care kaupapa. It’s tragic when you see hesitations become barriers which stop churches from taking action.

Here are five classic hesitations that can stop churches from progressing on their eco journey, along with suggestions to address them:

1. Lack of Resources (Time, Money, People)

We don’t have the time, money, or people to prioritise Creation Care initiatives."

Response: Start with the ‘low hanging fruit’. Identify a small goal that is achievable and visible e.g. add a recycle bin to the kitchen, invite someone involved locally in an environmental project to share in the service, add a prayer for God’s creation or a climate issue into the service, change to recycled paper in your photocopier, organise to turn up and help at a local conservation project… Tell the story. Celebrate and give thanks. Repeat.

2. Theological Uncertainty

Is Creation Care really a priority for the church?"

Response: Create opportunities for people to engage with Biblical passages which remind us that caring for creation aligns with biblical teachings (e.g. Genesis 2:15, Psalm 24:1) and is a calling for all God’s people. Include a sermon, a group discussion time in the sermon slot, choose a recommended book/resource from the A Rocha website and work through it in groups, write an article in the church newsletter which encourages reflection on the call to care for God’s creation as part of loving our neighbours and future generations.

3. Fear of Resistance or Division

Some members might not agree or see this as a distraction from our core focus."

Response: Invite a ‘third voice’ to present on the topic – invite a speaker from the A Rocha network to speak or facilitate a discussion, watch a film like ‘The Week’, or organise a discussion evening based on a book/article. Then engage people through creative questions and discussion to tease out the issues that people have.

4. Overwhelmed at the Scope of the Issue

The issues and challenges in our environment feel too big for us to make a difference."

Response: Use the Eco Church Action Planner to get you moving. Focus on achievable, tangible actions – plant a tree, partner with a local environmental group, support an organisation which is actively working on the front line to Care for God’s Creation. Share stories of hopeful action from people and groups that your church can easily relate to and be inspired by.

5. Lack of Expertise or Knowledge

We don’t know where to start or what to do."

Response: Reach out – together everyone achieves more! Contact A Rocha’s Eco Church team, they are ready and waiting to walk with you as you take steps to engage with the Creation Care kaupapa and will connect  you with other churches already on the eco church journey for inspiration and collaboration.

KIA KAHA! Taking new steps, addressing challenges, and navigating different views can be hard… but it can also be transformational. Remember that making choices to intentionally care for God’s creation doesn’t require all people to be capable or passionate about the same things or even think the same. People can think about things very differently and still be on the eco church journey together. When we are willing to address challenges and navigate differences and are committed to doing it well, God’s Spirit reveals itself to us and transforms us in unique and powerful ways, our relationships are deepened, and there are more opportunities for us to become a hopeful witness of God to the wider community. So when you next encounter a hesitation, see the opportunity that it is for God’s Spirit to move and enable you and your church to be involved in hopeful action in your community!

Mo is the Eco Church Regional Coordinator for the Lower North Island. She is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. She lives in Whanganui with her husband Kirk and their three teenage children. Prior to working for A Rocha she has been a parish minister, National Youth Coordinator, piano teacher, and local church youth worker.
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