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Eco Church gathering in the Hawkes Bay

By Mo Morgan
27 February 2025

The Hawkes Bay Eco church gathering on Saturday 22nd February showed that there’s a whole lot of energy for the Creation Care Kaupapa in the Hawkes Bay! 35 people from 8 different churches gathered to hear from several speakers about conservation and the what/why/how of being an eco church, as well as share with each other the joys and challenges they’re experiencing as they take steps on their eco church journey.

Highlights from the gathering included an opening devotion led by Rev. Carolyn Kelly from St. Paul’s Napier, as well as insightful presentations from Irene Parminter, who discussed how and why churches can get involved in local conservation projects, and Steve Thawley, who shared how The Tribe Church in Masterton has taken an integrated approach to Creation Care within their church and community. The presentations were well received, but it was clear that attendees came not just to listen, but to engage. People were eager to meet and converse with others, and lively discussions were sparked by Eco Church regional coordinator Mo Morgan, who created spaces for shared learning. Wonderful food and coffee, provided by Taradale Anglican, added to the warm atmosphere!

At the end of the morning the group looked at ‘What next?’ Responses showed that there was energy for more connection and collaboration between the Hawkes Bay churches and we look forward to exploring that with those who are keen in the future!

Mo is the Eco Church Regional Coordinator for the Lower North Island. She is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. She lives in Whanganui with her husband Kirk and their three teenage children. Prior to working for A Rocha she has been a parish minister, National Youth Coordinator, piano teacher, and local church youth worker.
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