Mō mātou | About us

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Kia ora! A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand is part of the A Rocha global family of Christian environmental conservation organisations currently active in over 20 countries across 6 continents around the world.

As a family, we focus on environmental science and research, practical nature conservation, environmental education, creation care and advocacy through a variety of programmes and initiatives. 

The name ‘A Rocha’ is in Portuguese (meaning ‘The Rock’) references the first A Rocha field study centre that was set up in 1983 in the Algarve estuary in south Portugal. 

In Aotearoa New Zealand, A Rocha was established in 2008. We seek to inspire, educate and enable communities to care for their local environment. Our three focus areas are:

  • Restoring ecosystems – Practical conservation for healthier and flourishing ecosystems and communities.
  • Growing the next generation of kaitiaki – Connecting people to nature to inspire them to care and advocate for te taiao.
  • Fostering sustainable communities – Inspiring and empowering communities to take action for sustainability and adaptability.

Read more about A Rocha’s journey over the years since 2008.

Or get an overview of A Rocha’s work through our Annual Reports.

Pae Tawhiti | Our Vision

Ecosystems restored and communities across Aotearoa actively caring for the earth.

Pae Tata | Our Mission:

To protect and restore ecosystems through community-based conservation, developing environmental leaders and taking practical actions.

Ngā Takohanga | Our Commitments:

We are committed to the five commitments (5Cs) central to all A Rocha projects around the world.

  • Christian – We follow Jesus Christ, through whom God created the world, and through whom we respond to God’s call to care for creation.
  • Conservation – We protect and restore nature and are committed to the whenua, moana, roto and awa of Aotearoa, recognising the role of mana whenua as kaitiaki. 
  • Community – We invest in good relationships through our commitment to God, one another and the creation. We nurture community because relationships are the foundation of long-lasting conservation work.
  • Cultural Diversity – We celebrate the insights and perspectives offered by our diverse cultures. We prioritise the importance of Māori as tangata whenua of Aotearoa, in accordance with our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We acknowledge that tangata whenua have a special cultural and spiritual relationship with the taiao in Aotearoa and seek ways of working that integrate te ao Māori in our conservation practice.
  • Collaboration – We seek to work in partnership with anyone who shares our vision, because together we achieve more than we can alone.

Ā Mātou Tāngata | Our People:

We have a committed board of trustees, a dedicated team of national staff and project team members, amazing local group leaders, and a network of remarkable volunteers working across the country under the A Rocha umbrella. Find out more about our people.

Ō Mātou Hoamahi | Our Partners:

Our funders, partners and supporters make it possible for A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand to carry out practical conservation and education & engagement initiatives throughout New Zealand. We are grateful for both the ongoing and historical support and partnerships. Find out more about our partners.

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